How To Become A Swiss Chocolatier | The Swiss Adventure | World Culture Network | Featured Image

How To Become A Swiss Chocolatier | The Swiss Adventure

Of the many things that Switzerland is famous for, the Swiss Chocolate is one on the top of the list. Swiss chocolates are famous worldwide for their quality, taste and making. Some of the most popular and prestigious chocolate brands like Lindt, Toblerone are of Swiss making. Which means chocolate making is a serious art in this gorgeous country!

While we were traveling across Switzerland, we decided to try something exciting with regards to chocolate. So we took a course with the Funky Chocolate Club in Interlaken to become certified Swiss Chocolatiers!
How did our chocolates turn out? Watch the episode to find out.

Join us in Interlaken at the Funky Chocolate Club, as we make our way to becoming ‘Certified Swiss Chocolatiers!’

#TuneInToWCN to follow #TheSwissAdventure every Tuesday & Friday.

Creators: Parampara Patil Hashmi | Parichay Mehta
Cinematographer: Nirali Naik
Music: Motion Array
Editor: Parichay Mehta

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